2005. crox 145 Basics2.
2006. crox 145 sequel.
2009. crox 321. INVOLVED. Solo project met beeldhouwwerk en schilderijen.
crox-box vrijdag 27 november 2009
Halfnegen. Yoshimasa springt binnen. Hij heeft vier werken bij. One is a
statue of Infant Margarita, ze is naakt, heeft een arm gebroken. First
made it in clay, explains Yoshi, after that made a sillicon, after the
sillicon a plaster mould. The final product is finished in some sort of
acrylic paste. Two, the other statue, is a small male head with both
oriental and Greek features. Drie en vier zijn twee schilderijen waarop
telkens zijn jongste zoon te zien is. The images are based on Velazquez
but far from a copy of the original, everything in it - size,
disposition, color - is completely different.
(...) la infanta
She was meant to marry at the age of 14.
At the age of 14 she married a German king.
She was send to Genua, Yoshimasa told so,
travelled across the Alpes to visit her fiancé.
Later she was send to Italy twice
for a haircut. She eventually married the German king,
had four children and died at the age of 27.
[original partly in English and partly in Dutch]