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crox 183 debra tolchinsky (us/ chicago) /crox3/ fotografie & video - photography & video 18 juni - 9 juli 2006opening zaterdag 17 juni
Flickr photos from the album crox183 Debra Tolchinsky by croxhapox
crox 184 dianna frid (can) /crox2/TWELVE RELEASES18 juni - 9 juli 2006
opening zaterdag 17 juni
Flickr photos from the album crox184 Dianna Frid by croxhapox
crox 185-I sarah westphal (D) /kubusruimte/HET BORSTENORAKEL18 juni - 9 juli 2006
Flickr photos from the album crox185-1 Sarah Westfahl by croxhapox
crox 185-II jamez dabramski dean /crox3/MY MODERN HOLOCAUST18 juni - 9 juli 2006
Flickr photos from the album crox185-II Jamez Dabramski Dean by croxhapox
crox 186 MAIL ART CALLcoördinatie: frips, marc coenejuli 2006 tot december 2007
Flickr photos from the album what about croxhapox ? by croxhapox
presentatie --> december 2007
crox 187 norma markley (us/ new york) /crox2/CUT10 september - 1 oktober 2006opening zaterdag 9 september
Flickr photos from the album crox187 Norma Markley by croxhapox
crox 188-1 BRAINBOX unit 1anton cotteleer - stijn van dorpe - nicolas leus14 - 24 september 2006opening zaterdag 16 septemberdeejay guy couckhuyt
Flickr photos from the album crox188 brainbox unit1 by croxhapox
crox 189-I - samir boudiaCARAVANAGElocatie: gentse cultuurmark, kouter16 september 2006
crox 189-II jamez dabramski deanperformance - locatie: kouter & veldstraatlocatie: gentse cultuurmarkt16 september 2006
crox 188-2 BRAINBOX unit 2 carlo mistiaen - thomas bogaert - evert defrancq28 september - 8 oktober 2006opening zaterdag 30 oktoberconcert: adriaan verwée & friends
Flickr photos from the album crox188 brainbox unit2 by croxhapox
crox 190 florin buta (ro) /kubusruimte/schilderijen - paintings
30 september - 29 oktober 2006
Flickr photos from the album crox190 Florin Buta by croxhapox
crox 188-3 BRAINBOX unit 3ward denys - johan de wilde - peter morrensperformer: hans van heirseeleTHE HEAD12 - 22 oktober 2006opening zaterdag 14 oktober
Flickr photos from the album crox188 brainbox unit3 by croxhapox