JOHN CAGE & FLUXUS, a project by Jonas Scheys i.c.w. students of Beeld & Installatie (Masters Kask), April 2008.
Works performed:
John Cage Songbooks - Sonata for clarinet - Sonata for two voices - Living room music - Five - Daughters of the lonesome isle - 4'33"
George Brecht For a drummer 5, 6 and 7 - Instruction - Incidental music 1, 2, 3 and 5 - Saxophone solo, fluxversion1
Robert Bozzi Choice 12
Emmet Williams Song of uncertain length
Godfried-Willem Raes E 10
La Monte Young Si fa#
Performers: Ruben Cooman, Thomas De Schepper, Lien Van Steendam, Liesl Stevens, Clara Vanden Bremt, Jonas Scheys
Students Beeld & Installatie (Kask): Hou Cien Cheng (Taiwan) /moving still/, Twan Bastiaansen (NL) /mountain, or hope sleeps silently here & toe, serenade#1/, Sarah Geirnaert /untitled/.