1 Maud Vande Veire. 2006. Untitled. 40pp. 10 euro
2 Johan De Wilde. 2006. Particles. 80pp. 12 euro
3 CarianaCarianne (US). 2006. Borders. 80pp. 12 euro
4 Thomas Böing (DE). 2006. Notes. 88pp. 12 euro
6 Marc Coene. 2007. LAN. 80pp. 12 euro
7 Nicolas Leus. 2007. WAADRUIM : LEGENDA. 80pp. 12 euro.
8 Philippe Vandenberg. 2008. BLACK A GARDEN FOR ST. JOHN'S MILLBROOK. 160pp. 15 euro.
9 Brian Getnick & Noe Kidder (US). THE GENTLEMEN'S GENTLEMEN. 48pp. 8 euro.
10 Peter Morrens. 160pp. 15 euro.
12 Johan Joos. MAJUSKEL. 90pp. 15 euro.
13 Michel Couturier. FIGURES. 160pp. 15 euro.
14 Hans Theys. OVER VORM. 400pp. 25 euro /first edition/ out of print
15 Hans Beckers. SUBITA ORATIO - SONARE MOTUS. 48pp. 12 euro.
16 Rik De Boe. TESTBEELDEN. 160pp. 15 euro.
17 Anoniem eerste helft 21ste eeuw. (Anonymus first half 21st century). 404pp. 25 euro.
18 Jan Op de Beeck. MUIS. 48pp. 12 euro.
19 Dirk Zoete. CAREFUL DRESSAGE. 240pp. 25 euro.
crox-book NR 1 : Maud Vande Veire
Release March 2006. 40pp, bound. no titel. 32 drawings, volume 2004. ISBN 90-76593-02-7
crox-book NR 2 : Johan De Wilde. PARTICLES.
Release May 2006. 80pp, bound./ First edition entirely according to the crox format. The book combines drawingss, photos and text. The author included a quote from Flaubert's Bouvard et Pécuchet: 'Cependant...' Et Pécuchet répéta deux ou trois fois 'cependant' sans trouver rien de plus à dire.' In the back, a short text illustrates the general tendency of the collected text frgament : This book contains notes originating in the periphery of my drawings. The author firstly thanks Guido Saey and sendondly, with special emphasis, Kris Latoir. Striking absnce of titles for drawings and photos: the concept of the book is puzzle of fragments of text and image. ISBN 90-76593-03-5
crox-book NR 3 : CarianaCarianne (US). BORDERS.
Release June 2006. 80pp, bound./ Withing the framework of the crox-books factually the first exemplary one, its publication being envisaged already at the end of April 2004. At first the book was meant to be a meticulous documentation of crox 118, CariannaCarianne's first crox-project. The final version, editied by the artist, includes a semi-autobiographical essay, a postface in the guise of an essay by Trevor Martin and images from the first crox-solo (crox 118/ 2004). ISBN 90-76593-04-3
crox-book NR 4 : Thomas Böing (D). NOTES.
Release October 2006. 88pp, bound../ First edition with a supporting colour in the body: the titles at the left pages have the same colour as the cover. Apart from the titles, the book has no text, as the title suggests, but only a selection of drawings from a timespan of ten years. Some of the works, like 'trucking company logo', 'zodiac', 'series', 'father and son' and 'trip' are part of the first solo project by Boïng (crox 73, March 1998); others are more recent. ISBN 90-76593-05-1
crox-book NR 5 - Wouter Decorte. UCHRONIE. Publication suspended.
crox-book NR 6 : Marc Coene. LAN.
Release end of February 2007. 80pp, bound./ A selection of the photos Marc Coene showed in croxhapoc end of 2004, in the small space where we have now a cafetaria. LAN stands for land and landscape but also for Local Area Network. The titles are restricted to a numbered enumeration. No index is included at the back of the book - e.g. a reference to the places where the pictures where taken (Northern France, Bretagne, Ecuador...), but an overview of previous editions. ISBN 97890-76593-07-4