een chronologische selectie uit de crox-correspondentie
Thomas Böing: 13 december 1996 - Cher Hans von Heirseele,
cause d une proposition d Antje Dorn et Gosbert Adler je vous envoies
quelques photo's. Premièrement je veux vous montrer les traveaux Lucy. Si ces traveaux vous interessent, je veux bien vous rencontrer.
Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap; 17 januari 1997 - Geachte,
deel ik u mee dat de Vlaamse minister van Cultuur besloten heeft u een
toelage van 45.000 F. toe te kennen als steun voor het werkingsjaar
Thomas Hauser: no date - Dear Christel Dear Hans
the paper you asked for, I hope its OK. If not, fake one and use my
signature. I give you my permission. Thanks a lot for the ballpens,
that's one thing I totally forgot. I already got in contact with the
gallery of Stu Mead but his books are all sold out.
De Vuyst Georges: 3 juni 1997 - Geachte,
Wij zijn een fabricant van sierschouwen en keukens in natuursteen.
het maken van de openingen voor het inpassen van lavabo's zagen wij een
ovaal stuk uit de granietplaat. Deze stukken hebben voor ons geen nut
Echter, als tablet of zo kunnen deze stukken nog nut hebben op tentoonstellingen, of als basis voor een kunstwerk.
Deze stukken zijn ongeveer 40 bij 30 cm groot en de rand ervan is natuurlijk niet verder bewerkt.
u geïnteresseerd bent in enkele stukken kan u die komen afhalen iedere
woensdag tussen 14 en 17 uur. Als deelname in de kost vragen wij
100,-BEF per stuk. Dit bedrag dekt geenszins de kostprijs maar moet
eerder gezien worden als een bedrag voor het bekostigen van deze
mailing. Hoogachtend,
Franky DC: 11 juli 1997 - Geachte Croxhapoxbeheerraadsleden,
heb de eigenaardige gewoonte om niet in te gaan op uitnodigingen voor
tentoonstellingen indien ik constateer dat er bij het eerste contact
één, twee of meerdere fouten in de schrijfwijze van mijn naam
voorkomen. In uw geval waren dat er twee in de handgeschreven versie en
één in de getypte namenlijst. Met vriendelijke groeten, Franky Deconinck
Marc Maet: december 1997 - Beste Kristel & Hans,
Hierbij vooralsnog het boekje "mijn klein verhaaltje", waarvan sprake was. Laat me weten hoe jullie het vinden. Vriendelijke groeten./
Amy Kephart: december 1997 - Happy New Year Hans and Kristel!
and I had such a great time in Ghent! Thank you both so much for your
kind hospitality and for inviting me to show at Croxhapox! It was a
great experience for me. My month long residence at the 'Millay Colony'
in up-state was really great. I made 50 paintings (portraits and life
size selfportraits). I hope all is well with you both, and also that
your show went well, Hans. Keep me posted--- P.S. Sally and I am still
singing jetlag girls are the worst! There is something catchy in it hmm... Again - Thanks and best wishes!/
Classic Incasso: 17 december 1997 - Geachte heer, mevrouw,
onze eerdere aanmaningen heeft u tot op heden gemeend niet tot
volledige betaling over te hoeven gaan. Evenmin zijn wij er in geslaagd
om telefonisch met u in contact te komen.
omgaand telefonisch bericht van u gaan wij er vanuit dat u binnen 2
dagen na heden alsnog tot betaling van onderstaand totaalbedrag naar
één van bovenstaande rekeningnummers van Classic Incasso B.V. overgaat.
Indien wij op zeer korte termijn noch uw betaling noch telefonisch
bericht van u ontvangen, zullen wij de zaak overdragen aan ons
juristenkantoor, waarvan de extra kosten volledig voor uw rekening
U gelieve zich de consequenties hiervan goed te realiseren!
Classic Incasso B.V.
Wendy Hirschberg: december 1997 - Dear Hans,
wishes for the New Year! I had a chance to visit Tom Broadbent over the
holidays, my first visit to his home, and I liked very much the
painting of yours that he had hanging in his new loft. ( ) I was very
pleased to hear again from Tom that my work was well received by you
-so I am hopeful. The grant cycle for funding is very soon so I wonder
if you will be able to notify me either way via fax? ( ) I hope you
enjoy the holidays and wish you a fruitful year full of creative time
and adventure! Sincerely,
ICC: 7 januari 1998 - Geachte Mevrouw, Geachte Heer,
zou U zeer erkentelijk zijn indien U ten behoeve van de bibliotheek en
het archief van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap in het Internationaal Cultureel
Centrum te Antwerpen, me regelmatig Uw uitnodigingen, affiches en
persberichten zou willen bezorgen.
Met dank bij voorbaat,
en met vriendelijke groeten,
Dany Smet, Bibliothecaris
Dianna Frid: April 1, 1998 - Dear Kristel and Hans,
again, I hope you are well. Enclosed you will find the list of people
in Europe to whom invitations should be sent. One of them is Nicole
Klagsbrun (she is in New York and the invitation should be sent to her
New York address as soon as possible). Nicole Klagsbrun is a prominent
Belgian gallerist based in New York City. She is going to Brussels for
the Art Fair which opens on April 23. She came to my studio yesterday
and asked me to have an invitation sent to her and that she will come
to see the show.
Heike Kati Barath: 06 05 98 - Geachte dames en heren,
Op aanbeveling van Thomas Boïng bied ik mij aan om in uw galerij tentoon te stellen.
heb één jaar aan de Akademie voor Schone Kunsten in Gent gestudeerd en
heb mij zeer verheugd dat Thomas mij aan u heeft voorgesteld.
In afwachting op antwoord groet ik u. Ik ben steeds bereid tot een gesprek. Hoogachtend,
Debra Pearlman: July 18, 1998
had intended to write long ago. One factor was waiting for the enclosed
glasses to finally be available again. Hans, I did not forget. Kristel,
your wonderful style is so clearly imprinted to me, that I hesitate to
enclose this gift of thanks. I do dope you like it. I also hope that
you are all well -your children also. Please send my regards. It has
been a long and difficult year, but hopefully that is beginning to
change. If you wish to contact David Dapogny, you can do so at this
address. He mas moved, but we are in touch. Do you desire other
recommendations? How goes the gallery and your work? Kristel, did you
set up a painting studio for the summer? I hope that you have the
chance to respond to this letter -perhaps with less delay than me.
Hans, could you send the name and address of the gallery in Antwerp
that you had mentioned to me?/
Patricia Thornley: December 24, 1998 - Dear Hans,
Happy Holidays!/ I am just sending a quick note to let you know a few things about my arrival, and the installation of the work.
will now be arriving on Thursday, January 7th. Edward and I have
decided not to drive but to take the train instead. Could someone pick
us up at the train station? We will be arriving around lunch time. Our
train arrives from Paris into Brussels at 12:20. I will call to confirm
this. ( )
am wondering if you have a shelf or a pedestal that is approx 11x14
inches on top. If it is a pedestal then it would need to be at least
3.5 feet high (preferably a bit higher). In case you don't have
anything like this, I am bringing some shelf brackets and hope that we
could get a piece of wood that is 11x14x1 inches and paint it the same
color as the walls.
of the pieces need anchored screws in the wall. I don't know what type
of walls you have so I am bringing some different types of anchors. The
total anchor holes will be 17. The metal pieces can get a bit heavy for
regular nails or screws. What do you usaully use?
to be so brief but I am swept up in the holiday madness today. I am
looking forward to the exhibition and to meeting all of you.
Heike Kati Barath: 1999 - Dear Hans,
just found my 'evaluatie' from the academy in Gent and I send it to you
-maybe Marc Maet is going to remember this. Yours Heike
Tomo Savic Gecan: 15/1/1999 - Dear Sjoerd and Hans,/
got a project proposal for Croxhapox -it's connected to the fact that
the gallery is moving space. This something I find very interesting in
itself and connected to my recent work. Please find the description of
my recent work enclosed on the following page.
there is a possibility to organise an exhibition at Croxhapox it would
be necessary that this is the very last exhibition in the old space.
The space would remain empty during the exhibition. The project is
connected to the idea of the function of any given space. The first
part of the exhibition would take place in Croxhapox gallery, the
second (which is to follow immediately after) in a private space, i.e.
the exhibition continues after the gallery has moved somewhere else.
The exhibition would go on for let's say ten days -during the first
five days in a gallery space, during the following five days in a
private space.
would also be an accompanying catalogue in which the whole process
would be documented. As I will need to apply for some funding for the
catalogue I will contact you next week to see if it's possible to carry
this project out.
I hope you are well. I'll speak to you soon,
Wendy Hirschberg: 1999
P.S. Needless to say, I am very sorry not to meet you this spring!
Hans,/ By now, we may have spoken on the phone and actually Marijke
will have updated you on my situation. Either way, it might be helpful
to have it on paper so I will continue to write this letter. As you
know, I am pregnant ( ). Since I am considered by my doctor to be high
risk I must take some precautions and not travel to Ghent. This makes
me very sad though the reason for this is a very happy one. To make a
sad situation a happy one, I have come up with the following plan which
has been gladly embraced by my two dear friends Suzan Batu and Marijke!
Suzan will travel over with her son and my exhibition arriving on March
31st. ( ) My final idea is to produce a short video discussing my work
with a friend or two so that I will not be an entirely missing person
at the show./
Ron Huebner: Oct 8th 2003 - Dear Hans
Please see enclosed video as well as catalog
It is not really a lot of material but perhaps will give
some idea of my work. I have been turning around a lot of ideas for the
window and am thinking of creating a kind of breathing space through
the use of transparent frosted vinyl of the outside window and a video
projection inside with a video beamer is that something possible?
Anyhow take care
Will talk soon
Yours truly
Ron Huebner
P.S. video is not completely finished editing yet
Ron Huebner: Oct 28th 2003 - Dear Hans
Greetings, Hope that all is well and that the order Of chaos is not getting to you too much.
was very good to come to Gent and see the actual Space. Please forgive
me for not being perfectly clear In the past about the project.
Sometimes it feels like life Is holding together by thin threads.
I know now EXACTLY what I want to do. This trip To Germany was very motivating factor.
this project in order to really do it right it will be Very important
to get the Right equipment which As I mentioned in my last email I
really hope that we Will be able to do. Perhaps this company can use
this Opportunity as a way for them to promote themselves I don t mind
if there is a sign there that says sponsored BY.
ANYHOW see enclosed proposal, Hope that You And the committee will like it, YOURS TRULY Ron Huebner.
Stad Gent - departement cultuur, 02 feb 2004 - artistieke manifestatie "Basics #1"
Geachte heer Van Heirseele,
college van burgemeester en schepenen heeft in zitting van 24 decemver
2003 het subsidiebedrag voor deze manifestatie definitief vastgelegd op
1.000 euro.
Deze beslissing zal in februari 2004 aan de gemeenteraad worden voorgelegd. Nadien volgt de uitbetaling van het saldo.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Stad Gent - departement Cultuur, 16 feb 2004 - "Basics #1"
Geachte heer Van Heirseele,
manifestatie werd gunstig geëvalueerd. Op basis van uw kostenafrekening
heb ik aan de Gemeenteraad voorgesteld om de subsidie van 1.000 euro
vast te leggen. In zitting van 16 februari 2004 keurde de raad dit
bedrag goed.
Ondertussen heb ik de stadsontvanger opdracht gegeven om de storting van het saldo zo snel mogelijk uit te voeren.
Nogmaals dank voor uw bijdrage tot het culturele leven van onze stad.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Renate Wolff (2004, no date) - Dear Hans,
this is the promised photo of the "Genter TRaum"-Model.
title for the shows "Genter TRaum" is related to an installation called
"Genter Raum" by IMI Knoebel from 1980 shown the first time in the
Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst in Gent. My title refers to the piece but
goes beyond it. 'Traum" means Dream, but the first 2 big letters
(TRaum) implicate both, the space (=Raum) and the meaning beyond it.
Will you use the photo for the invitation card or for another anouncement?
For my further preparation I need some information from you:
1. - to where can I send the paint and my other materials, to your home address or to the gallery?
2. - when can I travel to Gent? Since I need to start early I would like to come Sunday 30 of May. Is this convenient for you?
3. - where shall I live in Gent? Is the place I can stay close to the gallery?
4. - do you have a bike for me to move in town?
5. - Can the person, who assists me, help me from Monday on to the final end? (this is nessesary!)
6. - for the installation work I need:
-a spirit level (at least 1m long)
-a big ladder for reachting the top
-a long strip of wood (at least 2m long)
Please call me soon, so I can do my preparations. I hope you like the piece!
Renate Wolff (2004, no date) - Dear Hans,
is everything going? How far is the show, taken down or prolonged till
August? How did people react, how many people came to see?
heard that Imi Knoebel was very curious about the show, he asked
Christian about it. Next time, I'm in Düsseldorf, I am going to see him
and show him photos.
addition to my letter I send you one catalogue for you and one for your
nice neighbor with the three kids. Please pass it over to her and say
hello. Thank you./
said I should list my costs for the show. So the materials were
118,-euro and the travel costs were about 200,-euro. But it is up to
you please give me some feedback from the show and the circumstances.
Because an artist needs to know. Please also negative./
In expectation of your answer.../
Best wishes from Berlin. Renate
Luk Berghe - (2004, no date) - Beste Hans,
Ik stuur je wat beeldmateriaal zodat je een visuele indruk krijgt van mijn doen.
Onze ontmoeting in crox vond ik aangenaam.
Ik stuur je later nog wel voorstellen. Groeten. Luk
Stad Gent - departement cultuur, 07 jan 2005 - kunstproject "Instalramen"
Geachte heer Van Heirzele,
mijn spijt moet ik u mededelen dat het college van burgemeester en
schepenen, gelet op het advies van de bevoegde commissie, in zitting
van 23 december 2004 beslist heeft niet in te gaan op uw
subsidieaanvraag voor hogervermelde activiteit.
steun wordt voorbehouden voor projecten die afgebakend zijn in de tijd.
Dit is niet het geval voor "Instalramen" dat sinds onafzienbare tijd
doorgaat. De budgettaire beperkingen nopen bovendien tot een beperking
tot maximaal twee aanvragen per vereniging. De aanvraag voor de
tentoonstelling "Basics" die u eveneens indiende zal in februari ten
gronde behandeld worden.
Ik wens u veel sucees met uw activiteiten.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Leon Eeckman - Brussel, 27 april 2005 - Geachte Heer,
Betreft: Verzekering Tentoonstelling : "Fotoproject Metamorphose"
Wij willen er U op wijzen dat de in de rand vermelde dekking ten einde loopt op 01/05/2005.
Indien U een verlenging wenst, gelieve ons dan zo vlug mogelijk hiervan te verwittigen.
Als wij geen antwoord van U gekregen hebben binnen de 14 dagen, klasseren wij het dossier.
Leon Eeckman - Brussel, 28 april 2005 - Geachte Heer,
Betreft: Schadegeval van 27.04.2005
Beschadigd kunstwerk: 7 foto's
Wij melden ontvangst van uw e-mail en hebben het nodige gedaan bij de verzekeraars.
vindt hierboven de referenties van het dossier dat wij geopend hebben.
Gelieve deze bij elke later mededeling te vermelden en ons elk
document, dat U in verband met deze zaak ontvangt, toe te sturen.
*** werd met het deskundig onderzoek gelast, dit onder voorbehoud voor
wat de aansprakelijkheid betreft. Gelieve met dit kantoor zo snel
mogelijk kontakt op te nemen om een afspraak te maken.
Steeds tot uw dienst verblijven wij,
Doris Kuwert - 2005 (no precise date) - Dear Hans!
I hope you don't feel confused by my drawings.
The whole idea about the curtain moving up and down is to let it slide on an oblique surface.
In the end/
The time procedure is as follows:
driving down, have a break,
driving up, have a break, and,
perhaps an extra break in between. This movement is quite slow.
On the other window it should go the opposite direction./
I hope you like the idea and that it is in general is possible to build it up. And now the questions start:/
Ryosuke Cohen (no date) - PORTRAIT PROJECT -
Dear FRIPS/ I and my friend Shingo MIZOGUCHI - music teacher at junior
high school and mailartist Kazunori MURAKAMI are planning to visit
France (near Paris), Luxemburg, Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany
(near Belgium), July 22 to August 1, 2007. We leave Frankfurt for
Japan, August 2. Now we are making out the travel schedule. So we would
like to stay at your home for the one night. If there is no room large
enough for three of us to stay, one or two of us can stay at the hotel
near there. Would you please give your answer to Kazunori MURAKAMI -
yes or no, together with some advisable information?/ I want to draw
self-portrait and life-size portrait of mail artists. Is space large
enough for the mail artist to lie, because I outline the mail artist's
body lying on the floor?/ I would like to ask for your reply at your
earliest time till the end of May./ Best wishes, Ryosuke COHEN
Larry Walczak: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 13:32:51 - Joris
I hope you had a wonderful experience in Cologne this past week. I look forward to hearing stories from Thomas when he returns.
At this time I am reque