1. Beverhoutplein 7 (Sint-Jacobs, 1990-1991). Ghent downtown. First and rather enigmatic crox location. Residence from March 1990 to May 1991. 16 projects (crox 1-crox 16) and an aura of heroism. 2. Aannemersstraat 54 (Sint-Amandsberg, 1994-2000). Second crox location from Summer 1994 to Summer 2000 (crox 22-crox 104). Suburban location. Here the main crox theme got established. 3. Lucas Munichstraat 76/82 third crox location (from 2003). From 2003 till October 2004 limited to crox1, the cafeteria. At the end of October 2004 crox2 becomes available. The first project here is a solo by Carole Vanderlinden. Beginning of October 2005 crox3 annexed, a space where Bart Van Leuven had his photo studio till early 2005. Here the first project is a solo by Stefaan Dheedene. In July2007 the former atelier of Stief Desmet is added; a few months later the mdf wall is taken down and crox3, the large space at the end of the corridor, is renovated.