56 /herdruk/ Peter Morrens
133 Colette Broeckaert
134 Bram Demunter
135 Klaas Rommelaere
136 Olga Fedorova
137 Babs Decruyenaere
138 Veerle Beckers
139 Veerle Beckers
Onze publicaties zijn online te koop bij merpaperkunsthalle
crox-card 129 max pinckers (1988) from the series will they sing like raindrops or leave me thirsty, 2014
digital pigment print, 133x109cm
crox-card 122 johan de wilde (1964) history 063, 2014
potlood op archiefkarton, 29,7x21cm
crox-card 115 laura van (1957) schilderij 927 stilleven met schrijfmachine en boek van raymond carver, 2014
olieverf op doek, 71x51cm
crox-card 126 nel aerts (1987) nar en koning, 2014
collage: hout, acryl, vernis, lijm, papier, pen en oliepastel, 66,5x53,5cm
crox-card 119 mario de brabandere (1963) zonder titel, 2014
olieverf en potlood op papier, 30x40cm
crox-card 130 alejandra hernandez (1989) the walrus, 2014
acryl on paper, 36x27cm
crox-card 123 carole vanderlinden (1973) bouquet, 2014
peinture à la chaux, huile sur toile, 205x165cm
crox-card 117 dirk braeckman (1958) B.Z.-E.B.-12, 2012
gelatine silver print mounted on aluminium, 180x120cm
courtesy of zeno x gallery, antwerp
crox-card 127 nele tas (1978) ribbon building a-b x / jette, 2010
oil on canvas, 24x20cm