crox 390 (2011). Solo presentatie, zaal voorin. Andere projecten: Freya Maes, Nele Van Canneyt, Yuji Harald Matsumoto.
Publicatie, crox-card 99.
'Isn't it it so that every photographic image plays a trick on reality? And doesn't it seem like every picture tries to capture a moment in time forever? Photography can easily be seen as deception when compared to the wonderful incapacity of a painter. This leads me to what Henri Cartier-Bresson called 'the decisive moment'. I recently heard it being described as '(...) a formal flash of time when all the right elements were in place before the scene fell back into its quotidian disorder'. 'The right elements' could be the perfect title for this book. (...) As an artist you find yourself with your camera as a window, ready to banish all deception from photography, standing between the beauty of loss and the surface of things.' From Letter to Giannina Urmeneta Ottiker, by Philippe Van Cauteren (G.U. Ottiker, Un-There, Medium 2010).