crox-card 94 thomas bogaert (1967) hummingbird, 2010
mixed media, 50x40x3cm
Onze publicaties zijn online te koop bij merpaperkunsthalle
croxcard 92 rik de boe (2008) viewmaster
charcoal on zerkallpaper 76,5x53,5cmcroxcard 92 Rik De Boe
croxcard 91 rik de boe (2008) testbeeld/jaloezie
charcoal on zerkallpaper 76,5x53,5cmcroxcard 91 Rik De Boe
croxcard 90 mil ceulemans (2009) out of sight, out of time
oil and spray paint on canvas 60x80cmcroxcard 90 Mil Ceulemans
croxcard 89 grégory decock (2010) les nouveaux chemins
ink on paper 100x70cmcroxcard 89 Gregory Decock
croxcard 88 thomas bogaert (2010) on the way to the peak of ecstasy
mixed media 60x48x3cmcroxcard 88 Thomas Bogaert
croxcard 87 ria bauwens / zonder titel
digitale print van polaroid scan 32,5x31,6cmcroxcard 87 Ria Bauwens
[rik de boe (be) TESTBEELDEN /drawings/
crox-book 16 (2010)
160 pp, softcover bound]