16 october - 13 november 2011 Flickr photos from the album crox383 Leen Dewilde by croxhapox crox 384 GM : grégory decock (fr), dimitri carez (be), yannick franck (be), brice guilbert (fr) Flickr photos from the album crox384 GM by croxhapox
Flickr photos from the album crox385 Nele Tas by croxhapox
opening on saturday 15 october 18:00
performance 20:00 crox 383 leen dewilde (be)photo Herman Horsten
crox 385 nele tas (be)
crox 386 oshin albrecht (be)
Flickr photos from the album crox386 Oshin Albrecht by croxhapox
crox 289 TVF art doc cinema presentation 23