1. Half a dozen chairs still hanging out in croxhapox after the first and only solo project from J. Vander Borght />alter ego/ in januari 2005. Three colours: red, grey and blue. They don’t want to be stacked up unless in untenable acrobatic accumulations and are therefore mostly in the way. Unless when they are in use. The usual usage: accomodating seat-loving bipeds, lend a helping seat during meetings and allowing some bloke to stand on them to put a screw in the wall. During the project, Joris had tipp-exed a sentence on each one. A remark, a gibe, a lament. The blue one, for example, has the sentence I sit and wait. Later on, Tim Onderbeke remarks that the chairs, as he has seen on internet, are worth quite a heap of money. If in good condition, that is.
2. Plus minus 30 chairs from the reserve of Kask [Academy of Fine Arts]
furnished by students since 2007, mostly during mid-term or end of term
expositions. Stackable and sometimes embellished by writings, scratches, graffiti, blotches, simple or complex.
3. Two easy chairs of black imileather, also commonly known as imitation leather, leatherette from the Ikea of Smetlede as that hole is called, a mega junk shop on Lede territory, which have been in use in the office for deskwork and similar activities ever since 2006. Sit comfortable. One of the chairs has a loose leg.
4. Three brown bar stools at 50 euro each, acquired from aforementioned mega junk store. They had a lot of two dozen bar stools, all identical.
5. The highchair of Grégory Decock (F), an antique chair his mother is said to value very much but which has for some reason or other been around in croxhapox after the GM project (2007). The accompanying little desk also is valued highly.
6. A chair Wouter Cox marks with 666 aanbrengt. (crox 12, January 1991) Or rather, the chair Wouter Cox drapes a white t-shirt over, nicely hung on a clothes hanger and which has been marked with 666. How the mark was applied is time forgotten.
7. A battered chair with a blue seat and back. Not quite clear when the thing turns up in croxhapox.
8. One day, Susan Clynes dumps two prie-dieux at crox, which van mercilessly saws the backs off.
9. Two metal chairs without cushions on the seat or the back, out of fashion design from end sixties or mid seventies, rusty in spots, ultimately unstackable, which for logical reasons was never intended anyway and goodlooking in a certain way, that is. How they arrived in croxhapox, we don’t know. Quite often all and sundry stays behind at the end of a project, things suddenly not a soul cares about anymore.
10. For Return To A Temporary Calm Rudy en Lorenzo (2010) knock up three benches, so nicely botched together that they already break apart when you sneeze, or more precisely put, when you fart. After the project they end up in the storage (a remarkable history it has, that storage), later they are turned into firewood.
11. Man seated. Nel Aerts during her solo project in 2010. The ritual. She sits at the end of the corridor, right where visitors enter the big space in the back, and presents each visitor with a carefully finished envelope with an invitation to come and take away one of the many pieces of wood numbered 1 to 300 when the project ends. Adam Geczy (AU) during Toasting On The World Food Crisis With A Bottle Of Dom Perignon (2007). Memorable moment. He sits at a small table covered by a white cloth. At the table is a bottle of Dom Perignon and a flute. Above his head a text is projected one sentence at a time, more or less like a feature film sans images. Adam raises the image to significant levels. He sits at a white, clean table and drinks Dom Perignon, his face entirely white, he doesn’t say a word and there is nothing which could indicate he is even in the least aware of the excentricity of his behaviour. On his own, he entirely empties the bottle of champagne. One single shot, a single sip of such a glass of Dom Perignon is the equivalent of the yearly wages of people living in, I just pick one, Burkina Fasso.
Alan Smith during the Five Collaborations project (2007). He sits in a leather chair, in the middle of the project, and he is radiating, overlooking the battlefield. The attendant at the small, veneered table in the hall, under the from time to time loudly buzzing blackheater. She is wrapped up warmly, bending over a laptop. Jonas Scheys and two other performers (1 April 2007) during the performance of a work from John Cage. They are in the office. At the same time another performer sits in the lage space in the back and performs a piece of the same composer, a piece for typewriter, a short set of instructions which
will be repeated later that night by still another performer. In 2004 we didn’t have a blackheater in the hall. CarianaCarianne /the first project, crox 118, April 2004/ sits in the hall, close to the door leading to the corridor, she reads and writes and holds her legs over the radiant heater, more or less the only way to see this sitting marathon through. Hans Bryssink and the students of 2nd bachelor Multimediale Vormgeving, 6 years later. They sit in the hall and
discuss what they are going to do next season.
12. For Tagmosis at Croxhapox (December 2008) Eli from Ciclic and Lazara from Mahaworks rent a stand and surprisingly it is quite full with people.
13. The meeting chair. An executive chair. Two beer crates: the easy chair. Three beer crates: the déjà-vu of De Morgen in a row. Four beer crates: a foothold for the twaddler. A plank, a tree trunk, everything even modestly resembling the horizontal plane is an opportunity.
14. In 2009 Johan Boutelegier and Hannah acquire a new couch. The old one, a three-seater covered in brown fabric, is from the end of March till mid August 2009 a part of the crox-furniture and finally turns up in Brainbox2 at the very end of the project. During the finissage The Singing Painters perform and Michaël uses the milkbrown sofa as a seat.