> buren

584. FOOD MATTERS the book. 2019.
on the page with Bram Borloo:
The Barking becomes the Bar King embarking on some new adventures
flut de berger, rue de berger, nadine
10 tenen look
Asa Foetida Duivelskruid
Casse ton cup?
veeg je schup af
Canne the Joker Les plus amusants.
An undertone called alcohol
580. FOOD MATTERS. 43 artists 43 hosts 43 guests. Host: Bram Borloo. Guest: Klaas Vanhee. 2018.
534. THE PURSUIT OF THE GENTLEMEN'S GENTLEMEN. A visual reading. Frank&Robbert & Robbert&Frank and buren [Melissa Mabesoone, Oshin Albrecht]. Oktober december 2016. Final production of the period at the factory. 507
507. DEAF MAN'S VILLA. Curated by Lore Smolders. Performance by buren on Friday 18 December 2015, during the final weekend: MADE IN CHINA.
348. Residence from 5 till 12 Januari 2011. A wooden linear construction floor to ceiling. Reminds one of crox 285-3, the third part of a triptych by Nel Aerts (2009). Lathes, pieces of wood, beams and planks piled one upon the other without glue, nails, screws, tape or different means of attaching. Something else both works share: the wooden constructio lens against the wall. Some differences too. Melissa's work is in the largest rooms, The ceiling is at 4m20 ansd the objects are floor to ceiling. Nel's work, in the cube space, contains a multitude of oblong, vertical wooden constructions that don't reach - if I remember well - the ceiling at all. The cube has a ceiling at 2m20.
The second work is a wall painting with black duct tape. Meggy Rustamova, residing in the other room at the same time, also does a similar wall drawing. Apart from the material, these works are different. The challenge for Melissa is the enlargement of the small sized collages to room filling sizes.
The third work is a white shape on the concrete floor and lastly, a work in tinfoil.