Schweiger, Fabian

Felgesmaakt solo-optreden tijdens openingsavond crox 31 (Antje Dorn, oktober 1995). AD & FS worden als volgt geïntroduceerd:


As I woke this morning/ and got out of bed/ later today/ I noticed a pair of trousers pacing up and down the room/ jee I thought that's precisely what I need/ trousers/ I jumped out of the bed and ran for the trousers/ chrissake it was a fungus/ it was a Boletus edulis as the fungus was called/ that's my trousers I said/ no he said/ I knew the chap/ it's my trousers I said/ no he said/ gimme that trousers/ no he said/ he got hold of the trousers/ I had been asleep/ I had been sleeping for at least several hours/ jee/ I put on that big blue eyes/ the Von Fabre spectacles/ couldn't see anything thru it/ nothing strange about that/ nothing exceptional about that/ it be a bright blue day/ maybe I marry some pair of scissors/ a bright blue wedding day/ forget about the slacks/ these blue eyes were mine now/ big and blue and mine/ I at once found out that it was not a happy marriage/ what's all that blue about I thought/ a beautiful relation had been disturbed/ the fungus kept on going/ no he said/ o it was the only vocal he knew about/ well but I got the spectacles that seems reasonable I thought/ there was something going on out there/ I felt disturbed by several severe accidents/ to name only a few/ which of course always should be done during opening nights/ to name a few only/ the scissors and the fungus quarreled about the trousers/ during that conversation fungus lost his head/ he started screaming/ I lost mine/ I screamed don't yell I screamed/ godammit/ look at you I said/ phallic dwarf/ enough about marriage/ lets get to the trousers/ the trousers/ by that moment the fungus had changed in a giant penis/ and this further on developed towards a lexicon of blueness/ bluity/ jee well I felt blue sure I did/ never before I had felt so utterly blue/ I ran for the lexicon/ it started walking towards Germany/ I noticed some cosy little corner/ there were people all over the place/ some of them shrank and changed into curious little phenomena/ better known as inside double/ meanwhile the penis stopped talking/ and a fart took over/ with a delightful cantus firmus/ and the fart started singing (wat volgt is het concert van Fabian Schweiger).


Een 2de performance tijdens crox 51 (Open Deuren, 1996), dit keer met een trio.


Vervangt Michael tijdens het Four Months To Christmas concert van The Singing Painters in Roeselare (2001): Hans vocals, Fabian guitarr, Mathias Van De Wiele 2nd guitar & trumpet, Adriaan Verwée bass clarinet and Merlyn Paridaen drums.