Some artists have been in the crox-discourse regularly and some have presented themselves only once. That list is quite impressive.
Peter Vandekerkchove, crox 5.
Andre Posman, crox 6.
Daniël Vandenbrande, crox 7.
Daniël Libens, crox 11.
Xavier Debeerst, crox 17-1.
Daniëlle Detandt, crox 17-1.
Erwin Storms, crox 17-1.
Ivan Adriaens, crox 17-1.
EN PASSANT, crox 18: Jan Carlier, Marc De Roover, Renée Lodewijckx, Guy Bleus, Johan Van Geluwe, Rudolf De Greef, Willem Buijs (NL), Wim Gombeer, Jules De Ranter, Rein Willem Glaudemans (NL), Philippe Flachet, Willo Gonnissen, Willy Peters.
Patricia Smith (US), crox 28.
Antje Dorn (D), crox 31.
Krysztof Denek (CZ), crox 32. installation window
Gery De Smet, crox 34.
Phill Niblock (US), crox 36. installation window
Jens Brand (D), crox 36. installation window
Hugo De Smaele, crox 38.
Michael Vorfeld (D), crox 39. installation window
Peter Voorn (NL), crox 41. installation window
Harald Kubiczak (D), crox 45. installation window
OPEN DEUREN (1996), crox 51. Alexandra Jacquet, Beatrijs Lauwaert, Carl Jacobs, Dirk Braeckman, Galerie Gerald (F), Geertrui Daem, Ije Raaijmakers, Koen Vercaemer, Krist Demasure, Lucy Slock, Mieja Dhondt, Peter Dewindt, Rumijana Popova, Theresa De Smet, Thomas Mistiaen, Philip Van Bogaert.
Jaroslav Koran (CZ), crox 52.
Gosbert Adler (D), crox 53.
Suzan Batu (US), crox 59.
Thomas Hauser (D), crox 61.
Uli Vonbank-Schedler (AT), crox 62.
Lisi Breuss (AT), crox 62.
Griet Musschoot, crox 63.
Dre Devens (NL), crox 64.
Tomo Savic-Gecan (CR), crox 65.
Slaven Tolj (CR), crox 66.
Debra Pearlman (US), crox 67.
Amy Kephart (US), crox 68.
Herman Baeten, crox 69.
SCHILDERKUNST HEDENDAAGS BELGISCH, crox 70 (2007). Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Dan Van Severen, Dirk Devos, Filip Francis, Jurgen Voordeckers, Luc Hoekx, Marc Angeli, Paul Morez, Raf Buedts, Roger Raveel.
Frederik Cornelis, crox 78.
Holger Nickisch (D), crox 82.
Hartwig Schwarz (D), crox 83.
Patricia Thornley (US), crox 89.
Luc Dondeyne, crox 90.
Wendy Hirschberg (US), crox 94.
Larry Krone (US), crox 97.
Michiel Van Cauwelaert, crox 100.
Marta Vera (ES), crox 103.
Katrien Hofman, crox 106 (2003). installation window
BASICS 1, crox 110. Ludwig Van De Velde, Michiel Coppens, Sylvie Duhamel, Thomas Lerooy, Xenia Borremans.
Ron Huebner (CA), crox 111. installation window
Jan Willem Verherbrugge (NL), crox 113.
Renate Wolff (D), crox 122.
Stu Mead (US), crox 125.
Ante Timmermans, crox 135.
Nathalie Nijs, crox 138. installation window
Maria Degrève, crox 140.
Doris Kuwert (D), crox 144. installation window
Els Vanden Meerrsch, crox 165.
Helena Danneels, crox 175-I.
Reid Wood (US), crox 175-II.
BASICS 2, sequel (Oudenaarde), crox 145-II. Fia Cielen, Leentje Vandenbussche, Marijke Bontinck, Martha De Brabandere, Nancy Delille, Pascale De Pauw, Sien Descheemaecker, Suzan Smith, Tim Volckaert.
Debra Tolchinsky (US), crox 183.
Norma Markley (US), crox 187.
VeDeZe, crox 195.
Jim Torok (US), crox 205.
David Kramer (US), crox 205.
Nate Larson (US), crox 205.
William Powhida (US), crox 205.
Edward Monovich (US), crox 205.
Sabine Oosterlynck, crox 209.
Liesbeth De Fossé, crox 216.
Benjamin Wylin, crox 222.
Elias Grootaers, crox 222.
Nathalie Teirlinck, crox 222.
Office Tamuraj, crox 223.
Michiel Alberts & Wouter Messchendorp (NL), crox 231.
David Smithson (US), crox 235.
Tamara Van San, crox 238.
Britta Bogers (D), crox 243.
Frank Bassleer, crox 244.
Ilse Roman, crox 246.
Karel Wouters, crox 248.
Oliver Schulze (D), crox 249.
Luetta (BR), crox 251.
Veridiana Zurita (BR), crox 251.
Evelien Geysen, crox 259.
Leen Persoons, crox 262.
Oana Cosug (RO), crox 264.
CCNOA, crox 269. All artists who participated in the project apart from Ward Denys and Pieter Vermeersch.
Chris Vanbeveren, crox 270.
Joop Stoop (NL), crox 271.
Lysandre Begijn (NL), crox 272.
Martine Lacquiere, crox 273.
John Watts (GB), crox 276. (October 2008)
Inge Nederkoorn (NL), crox 279.
Nicolas Durand (F), Guillaume Escallier (F), Manor Grunewald, Pieter Bauters, Philippe Cardoen, GM, crox 280.
Marina Yee, crox 277, Brainbox unit 2.
Honoré d'O, crox 277, Brainbox unit 3.
Sander Buyck, crox 284.
Lien Nollet, crox 285.
Bart Dhaluin, crox 277, Brainbox unit 5. (2009)
Haritz Guisasola Izeta (ES), crox 291.
Hans De Meulenaere, crox 277, Brainbox unit 8.
Anna Banana (CA), crox 298.
Niklaus Ruëgg (CH), crox 300.
Dries Verstraete, crox 300.
Frederik Van Simaey, crox 300.
Jan Op De Beeck, crox 301.
De Overneming: Mister Cremers, Mister Van Den Eynde, Madam Niks, Mister Van Goethem, Mister Vissers, Mister Behaegel, Mister Van Speybroeck, Trainee Devos, crox 302.
Michael Langeder (D), crox 305.
Karen Vermeren, crox 306.
Bruno De Wachter, BRUSSEL PARIJS, crox 307.
Daniël Dewaele, crox 303. installation window
De Zondagsdenkers (artist collective [The Sunday Thinkers]), ZIENZUCHT [SEEYEARN - play on German 'Sehnsucht' and Dutch 'See Sigh'] , crox 308.
Anne Maes, crox 310. installation window
Juul Sadée (NL), crox 311.
Freya Maes, crox 313.
Marieke Berendsen (NL), crox 317.
Hans Theys, OVER VORM [ON FORM], crox-book nr 14.
Roel Jacobs, crox 318.
Karin Borghouts, crox 322. (december 2009)
Dirk Veulemans, crox 322.