april - june 2013 instalraam window project
crox 436 bieke depuydt (be)
Flickr photos from the album crox 436 bieke depuydt by croxhapox
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april - june 2013 instalraam window project
crox 436 bieke depuydt (be)
Flickr photos from the album crox 436 bieke depuydt by croxhapox
23 - 27 april 2013 theatre workshop
wednesday 24 april : try-out
thursday 25 april : première
performances on friday 26 & saturday 27 april
doors 19:30 act 20:00
tickets: 3 euro
Flickr photos from the album crox 437 VELDHUIS by croxhapox
sunday 28 april 2013
crox-boek nr 17 - 404pp, 25 euro
boekvoorstelling : release book project
editor: het Balanseer / a coproduction het Balanseer, MER & croxhapox
presentation at S.M.A.K. 11:00
concert: peter jacquemyn & jan pillaert
friday 3 - sunday 5 May 2013
opening thursday 2 May, 20:00
TOONMOMENT 3d bachelor fotografie KASK
photo: karmen ayvazyan
12 may - 9 june 2013
crox 438 alda snopek (be) video & photography
crox 439 christophe lezaire (be) painting
crox 440 ivan adriaens (be) drawing
crox 441 fiona mackay (gb) painting
crox 442 sofie van der linden (be) cube room
crox 443 wouter feyaerts (be) objects
crox 289 TVF art doc cinema
silviu purcarete : phaedra (1995)
sunday 19 may 2013, 20:00
TALIBAM! (NY) in concert
beyt al tapes (BE)
Talibam! performs 20th century experimental graphic scores and modern composition
Flickr photos from the album talibam!& beytaltapes by croxhapox
tuesday 4 june 2013 concert
a morctapes production
hellvete (be)
lichens (us)
tickets 7 euro doors 20:00
jury's & eindejaarspresentatie / end of the year & jury
11 & 12 june 2013 > opening tuesday 11 june 20:00
sabbo verleye & jura shust masters grafiek KASK
14 june 2013 / open jury at 10:00 niels coppens masters MMV KASK
presentation 14:00 - 18:00
13 - 15 june 2013 / opening thursday 13 june 20:00
neel de bruycker, margré steensma, erik lumbela 3d bachelor beeld & installatie KASK
17 june 2013 2d bachelor MMV KASK
20 june 2013 masters textiel KASK
21 - 23 june 2013
nena shaw masters LUCA
jana vanongevalle masters LUCA
opening on 21 june 19:00
presentation: 22 & 23 june 14:00 - 18:00
july - september 2013 instalraam / window project
crox 444 bob van de putte (be)
location: onderstraat 26, 9000 gent
5 - 6 juli 2013
opening night thursday 4 july 18:00
morehshin allahyari (ir), arash fayez (ir), arash fesharaki (ir), omid hashemi (ir), nassrin nasser (ir), anahita norouzi (ir), bahar samadi (ir)
documentary by kiumars derambakhsh (ir): THE ECLIPSE
curator nima bahrehmand (ir)
in collaboration with parkingallery (ir) & mooweex archive (ir)
sunday 7 july 2013 14:00 > 22:00
live music - performances - djs - tropical drinks
a project by idiosyncratics featuring
angela nina yeowell (us) https://vimeo.com/48010874(link is external)
athlete's foot: max plank & rutgher verstoppen, KERM
rinus van alebeek (nl) http://rinusvanalebeek.wordpress.com(link is external)
piume di pavone: phil maggi & phil cavaleri http://www.philmaggi.com(link is external)
räum: orphan swords
djs: uva ursi - moonchild - maze
vj: vjing http://inkeriharri.tumblr.com(link is external)
bamboo cocktail bar
http://www.idiosyncratics.net/(link is external)
https://www.facebook.com/idiosyncratics.label(link is external)
crox 446 BRAINBOX3 croxhapox.org/c/brainbox3
16 september - 22 december 2013
hannelore van dijck (be), michaël borremans (be), miet warlop (be)
Flickr photos from the album brainbox3 unit1 by croxhapox
jesse cremers (be), peter van hecke (be), steffie van cauter (be)
Flickr photos from the album brainbox3 unit2 by croxhapox
antoine van impe (be), kelly schacht (be), stijn van dorpe (be)
benjamin verdonck (be), dirk zoete (be), frank & robbert/robbert & frank (be)
Flickr photos from the album brainbox3 unit4 by croxhapox
inkeri harri (fi), jasper rigole (be), oshin albrecht (be)
Flickr photos from the album brainbox3 unit5 by croxhapox
adriaan verwée (be), joris van de moortel (be), peter morrens (be)
Flickr photos from the album brainbox3 unit 6 by croxhapox
unit 7 eric pries (de), erwan mahéo (fr), kristof van gestel (be)
finissage saturday 21 december 19:00
DEEJAY GUY and the essential avant-garde
wiki coordination & docu center: boris van den eynde, lieven van speybroeck
Flickr photos from the album brainbox3 unit 7 by croxhapox
c r o x h a p o x