27 february - 9 march 2014
toni van tiel (nl)
lenja van laeken (be) - margriet craens (nl) - octave vandeweghe (be) - sanne valstar & erik trip (nl)


27 february - 9 march 2014
meesterklas luca
toonmoment presentation

14 - 16 march 2014 residentie
opening thursday 13 march 18:00
neel de bruycker (be)

guus van der velden (nl)


23 march - 20 april 2014
opening on saturday march 22d at 18:00

movie and video art from iran
parkingallery projects in collaboration with asayeshgah projects
curator nima bahrehmand & amirali ghasemi (ir)
crox 460 pedro faria (pt) 
& francisca carvalho (pt)

april - june 2014 window project

crox 461 dirk slootmaekers
onderstraat 26, 9000 gent

friday 4 april 2014 concert
jeff gburek (us/po) & marjorie van halteren (us)

https://soundcloud.com/jeff-gburek(link is external)
a mixture of musique concrete, electroacoustic
improvised and spoken (and processed) words

doors 20:00
concert 20:30
tickets 5 euro
Jeff Gburek (USA/Poland): prepared guitar, mini-theremin, electronics, voice, objects.
Marjorie Van Halteren (USA/France): sampler, voice, objects.
Happily announce their first tour in Belgium in which one will hear two artists at the cross-roads

of poetry, utterance, musique-concrete, blending composed and
improvised sequences, a hybrid of electro--acoustic improvisation,
radio-play, sound-painting, sound-theater, soft-noise, deconstructed
story-telling, contemporary commentary, travelogue, maybe even some
diatribe about tribal trouble and resolution in hope, with some humor.
Happy to be there, anywhere, now.
https://soundcloud.com/vanwindmill/gburek-keyboarded-1(link is external)
https://soundcloud.com/jeff-gburek/the-channel-excerpt-10-3-2014(link is external)

24 april - 5 may 2014
opening thursday 24 april 18:00
crox 462 HARD GELAG curator laurens mariën (be)

yann bronder (be)
ingeborg deglein (be)
bert huyghe (be)
frituur Roeland

24 - 26 april 2014
opening thursday 24 april 18:00
donderdag 24 april

2de bachelor grafiek / school of arts

11 may - 8 june 2014
opening saturday 10 may 18:00
crox 463 paulien oltheten & aukje koks (nl)

crox 464 jolien collen (be)

Flickr photos from the album crox 464 jolien collen (be) by croxhapox


crox 465 laura zuallaert (be) WE ARE ALL NATHAN BLANC (2013)
director & camera : laura zuallaert
sound : karel verstreken / montage : jo ackermans / mixage : lode wellens

crox 466 tijana lukovic (sr)

Flickr photos from the album crox 466 tijana lukovic (sr) by croxhapox


crox 467 marina stavrou (gr)

Flickr photos from the album crox 467 marina stavrou (gr) by croxhapox


crox 289 TVF art doc cinema jaap blonk (nl)

21 - 27 july 2014 performance
crox 469 isabelle stockmans
readme.1st(link is external)

--> blog by isabelle stockmans
livestream during performance
visiting hours daily from 16:00 to 19:00 behalf on tuesday
dagelijks open van 16u tot 19u niet op dinsdag
met dank aan Het Archief, Limerick & De Kaft

7 september - 5 october 2014
opening on saturday 6 september 18:00

crox 470 dimitris ameladiotis (gr)
work in situ

crox 471 bob van de putte (be)

crox 472 jeroen frateur (be)

Flickr photos from the album crox 472 jeroen frateur (be) by croxhapox


crox 473 sacha eckes (be)

Flickr photos from the album crox 473 sacha eckes (be) by croxhapox


crox 474 joop stoop (nl) cube room

finissage noetics and the red room op zaterdag 4 oktober 2014

19:00 gratis multi media diner performance door joop stoop

na twee jaar "on the road" en weg te zijn geweest uit nederland heeft joop stoop het lichtwiel uitgevonden. een rad als symbool van beweging en cyclic existence. n.a.v reflectie over het werk van carel blotkamp, niels broszat, ada dispa, lisa couwenbergh, hedwig van der heyden, jos houweling, sibylle jaszra, ulrike holme kristensen, ada leenheer, mai van oers, jan van der ploeg, jochem rotteveel, boris tellegen en riëtte wanders heeft joop dagelijks met de kunstwerken gepraat, brieven over hen geschreven en tekeningen 778 in totaal.

tafelrede: hans clavin 

finissage with murgafanfare van komen en gaan: photo shoot on sunday 5 october
18:00 20:00 pancakes extra
crox 289 tvf art doc cinema

19 october - 16 november 2014
opening saturday 18 october 18:00

crox 477 aukje koks, benjamin verhoeven, birde vanheerswynghels, bob van de putte, bram van stappen, carole vanderlinden, chloé dierckx, christophe lezaire, dirk braeckman, dirk zoete, fabrice pichat, frederic geurts, hans beckers, honoré d'o, jasmijn krol, johan de wilde, kristof van gestel, lucie renneboog, maarten van roy, mario de brabandere, max pinckers, michaël borremans, michiel ceulers, mil ceulemans, nel aerts, patrick everaert, peter morrens, rik de boe, thomas bogaert, vincent de roder, yann bronder
performance saturday 18 october yannick franck

Flickr photos from the album crox 477 verf na van eyck by croxhapox


crox 289 TVF art doc cinema
adam leech
