crox 250 - rik soenen /schilderijen/
2 - 23 maart 2008
Flickr photos from the album crox250 Rik Soenen by croxhapox
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crox 250 - rik soenen /schilderijen/
2 - 23 maart 2008
Flickr photos from the album crox250 Rik Soenen by croxhapox
crox 251 - luetta (br), veridiana zurita (br) & romolus molenbergh
THE CHICKEN FACTORY /performance based on a text by luetta/
11 maart 2008, 21u
Flickr photos from the album crox251 The Chicken Factory by croxhapox
concertavond KRAAK /gastproductie/
jack rose (us)
Flickr photos from the album concert Jack Rose 080324 ( KRAAK ) by croxhapox
hush arbors (gb)
Flickr photos from the album concert Hush Arbors 080324 ( KRAAK ) by croxhapox
maandag 24 maart 2008, 20u30
toonmoment schilderkunst /master kask/
donderdag 27 maart 2008, 18u
Flickr photos from the album toonmoment schilderkunst 2008 by croxhapox
crox 252 - ZWERM /kwartet voor elektrische gitaar/
larry polansky (us)
nico sall
vrijdag 28 maart, 20u
Flickr photos from the album crox252 Zwerm by croxhapox
Kunst-Werk(t) /workshop/
georges uittenhoeve 'hoe bouw ik een tentoonstelling'
vrijdag 28 & zaterdag 29 maart 2008, 10u-16u
foto's video(link is external)
een project van jonas scheys i.s.m. studenten beeld & installatie master kask
john cage /songbooks - sonata for clarinet - sonata for two voices -
living room music - five - daughters of the lonesome isle - 4,33"/
george brecht /for a drummer 5,6 & 7 - instruction - incidental music 1, 2 & 5 - saxophone solo, fluxversion 1/
robert bozzi /choice 12/
emmet williams /song of uncertain length/
godfried-willem raes /E10/
la monte young /si fa#/
performers: ruben cooman, thomas de schepper, lien van steendam, liesl stevens, clara vanden bremt, jonas scheys
beeldend werk:
hou chien cheng (kubusruimte) /moving still/
twan bastiaansen (crox3) /mountain, or hope sleeps silently here - toe, serenade #1/
sarah geirnaert (crox3) /untitled/
dinsdag 1 april 2008, 20u
Flickr photos from the album crox253 Happening Cage en Fluxus by croxhapox
concert - zaterdag 5 april 2008, 20u /opening crox 254-258/
silvester anfang II
crox 258 - nel aerts /kubusruimte/
5 - 6 april 2008
Flickr photos from the album crox258 Nel Aerts by croxhapox
crox 254 - brian getnick & noe kidder (us)
publication: crox-book NR. 9
6 april - 4 mei 2008
opening zaterdag 5 april, 18u
Flickr photos from the album crox254 Noe Kidder - Brian Getnick by croxhapox
crox 255 - eva de leener /tekeningen/
6 april - 4 mei 2008
Flickr photos from the album crox255 Eva De Leener by croxhapox
crox 256 - steven baelen /schilderijen/
6 april - 4 mei 2008
Flickr photos from the album crox256 Steven Baelen by croxhapox
c r o x h a p o x