Our publications are available online at merpaperkunsthalle

croxcard 75 johan de wilde (2005) MEMENTO VIVERE
potlood op archiefkarton 21x29,7cm 
croxcard 75 Johan De Wildecroxcard 75 Johan De Wilde


croxcard 74 dirk peers (circa 1998) zonder titel
linosnede 40x30cm 
croxcard 74 Dirk Peerscroxcard 74 Dirk Peers


croxcard 73 dirk peers (circa 1998) zonder titel
linosnede 40x30cm
croxcard 73 Dirk Peerscroxcard 73 Dirk Peers


croxcard 72 dirk peers (circa 1998) zonder titel
linosnede 40x30cm 
croxcard 72 Dirk Peerscroxcard 72 Dirk Peers


croxcard 70 michaël borremans (2006) THE RESEMBLANCE
olieverf op doek 36x42cm 
croxcard 70 Michael Borremanscroxcard 70 Michael Borremans


croxcard 69 michaël borremans (2006) THE RESEMBLANCE
olieverf op doek 36x42cm 
croxcard 69 Michael Borremanscroxcard 69 Michael Borremans


croxcard 67 britta bogers (2006) zonder titel
balpen op papier 60x42cm 
croxcard 67 Britta Bogerscroxcard 67 Britta Bogers


croxcard 66 julian moran (2007) zonder titel
pen op papier 
croxcard 66 Julian Morancroxcard 66 Julian Moran


croxcard 65 eva de leener (2008) HEADS & FIRE
gouache, acryl, kleurpotlood 150x190cm 
croxcard 65 Eva Deleenercroxcard 65 Eva Deleener


croxcard 64 thomas bogaert (2003) THE CARAVAN
filmstill, mixed media 
croxcard 64 Thomas Bogaertcroxcard 64 Thomas Bogaert

