Pussy Riot

Olya Kuracheva
Workshop at PostX, Flora Merelbeke, probably Summer 2019.
Street performance, somewhere in the outskirts of the agglomerate, with members of the Astrid Collective. One of the local dustbin dailies seems to have written on the public action, and dished up a pic of some of the trainees and a topless performer, being Kuracheva herself. After that Olya Kuracheva disappeared from view.

txt The Third Landscape refers to not-used and/or not-usable landscape. Within this framework it explores situational & contextual activism. TTL is a project on radical positions, statements, actions.
Artists who question the mechanisms of control and the forces behind cultural hygiene and normalisation. Developed in different national, political and economical contexts these practices show apparent similarities –common ground of the discourse, interest in similar topics such as feminism, milieu, destigmatisation of certain groups of people– and apparent differences –other ways of development, solutions and actions emerging from a distinctive social environment, including general ideas, morality and government).
The Third Landscape is constructed as a forum for art practice exchange. Foreign artists are invited to show their work to the Belgian public, Belgian artists get introduced to the Russian public via media such as discours.