Gunn, Steve. Concert on Thursday 7 April, 2011. Guest production Smeraldina-Rima.
A book with guns, the guns made by Frank&Robbert & Robbert&Frank.
Theft of the book made by Frank&Robbert & Robbert&Frank.
The last step for the consecration of the union between a man and a firearm. A video installation by Tomas Kajanek, March 2017.
A piece of OSB with the shape of a gun.
A man and his firearm, the first page of Food Matters, an image displayed by Aaron Daem.
Careful Dressage, by Dirk Zoete, and a trigger on page 86 : Most of the time without a rifle [One of many. On the page next to it, page 87, a man and his firearm.